Green is the new black

A completely undoctored avocado

Take a moment to look at that picture.  Like, REALLY look at it.  Can you believe how green that is???  I swear, I didn’t touch it with anything.  No Instagram.  No PhotoShop.  No filters of any kind.  Just my iPhone camera.  THAT was my breakfast.

I challenge you all to start your day with an avocado, just a bit of salt and a lot of pepper, smooshed onto some toast, and try to have a bad day.  Just try.  It’s IMPOSSIBLE!  Your insides will sing all day.  Your cheeks will flush when you remember how delicious it was.  Your mind will wander to how vibrant the green was.  It’s like magic, guys,magic.

This week will probably have a lot of food-type posts.  My fridge is overflowing with fresh produce and y’all need to know the pure, unadulterated joy that comes in the form of a radish sandwich.  And cheesy, garlic-y broccoli.  And I want to try making butternut squash gnocchi.

Do any of you guys have a really dazzling carrot recipe?  The carrots in the veggie box are beautiful and I need something to showcase them.  Usually I make the best carrot cake on the planet, but these carrots need something a little fancier.

Go forth and start your day.  With freshness.  You deserve it.